
Fantastic and Imaginative Romances is an independent publisher established in 2024 with the goal of producing original speculative fiction stories from emerging writers. Helmed by graphic designer and publisher Sherida Kuffour, Fantastic and Imaginative Romances is the physical manifestation and imprint of its parent company Brave New Lit.; a digital platform that annually publishes conversations and essays around book production with industry specialists in speculative genres.

Outside of publishing socially relevant speculative stories, Fantastic and Imaginative Romances is also concerned with the book as an aesthetic object through the lens of its paratextual elements, carefully considering how print production processes can be used to highlight certain parts of a book’s narrative or character. For this reason, centre to our process in book conceptualisation and production is the interdisciplinary collaboration between writing and other creative fields such as illustration, coding, architecture, art and photography. We’re interested in how different mediums can tell a single unified story, not as one medium supporting the other but as separate entities able meander on their own and find themselves on a page to impart a richer and more textured reading experience.

Fantastic and Imaginative Romances believes in slow publishing and producing small print runs for each publication in order to give the team working on the book the proper time and attention to create their best works. Where relevant we also seek out collaborations with other publishers and institutions in order to either split production costs or limit the unnecessary production.

  1. To further the genre of speculative fiction and contribute to its outreach in popular culture.

  2. To actively seek out, foster and publish artistically sound speculative writing by underrepresented communities.

  3. To be transparent about the publishing process from finance to design with all collaborators.


✤ Science Fiction

✤ Horror

✤ Dystopian Fiction

✤ Utopian Fiction

✤ Afro-Futurism

✤ Cyberpunk

✤ Steampunk

✤ Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic

✤ Gothic Fiction

✤ Occult Fiction

✤ Religious Thriller-Mystery